4D VASER High-Definition Liposuction
Abdominal etching was initially developed by Dr. Mentz in 1993. It was a liposuction technique defining the rectus abdominis muscle to create the 6-pack in men. With this technique, the linea alba in the middle of the rectus abdominis muscle is etched with the outline of the muscles. Horizontal lines are then created to sculpt a 6-pack.
Figure 1: 4-D VASER High Definition Liposculpture by Dr. Alfredo Hoyos from Colombia. www.alfredohoyos.com
4D VASER Liposculpture performed by Colombian Plastic Surgeon Dr. Alfredo Hoyos. Note that the procedure involves sculpting the chest, abdomen, flanks, back and arms.
This technique was further enhanced and improved by a Colombian plastic surgeon Dr. Alfredo Hoyos using the VASER liposuction technology. VASER (acronym for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) is an ultrasound-assisted liposuction that utilizes ultrasound energy to selectively remove fat without harming the surrounding structures of the area being liposuctioned.
Figure 1: Before & After Photos of 4D VASER High Definition Liposculpture (6 weeks after surgery) performed by Houston Plastic Surgeon Dr. Emmanuel De La Cruz MD, PLLC. Note that final definition is typically seen 3-4 months after surgery. Patient went from a size 6 to a size 2. Result may vary individually.
Figure 3: Dr. Alfredo Hoyos, the pioneer of the 4D VASER Liposculpture and other plastic surgeons from all over the world (Slovenia, USA [Dr. De La Cruz], Colombia, Egypt and Spain) who perform the 4D VASER High Definition Liposuction.
How Does the VASER Liposuction Work?
VASER liposuction is a minimally invasive liposuction procedure performed in conjunction with tumescent anesthesia that utilizes advanced ultrasound technology designed to gently reshape the body. The ultrasound energy is transmitted through the small VASER probes that diffuse the ultrasound waves and liquefy the fat for easy removal. The ultrasound energy is gentle enough that it can break apart the fat with minimal damage to surrounding tissues, creating smooth, predictable results with fast patient recovery.
Clinical Study
A multicenter, prospective randomized controlled trial in 2012 recently showed that the VASER-assisted liposuction resulted in a statistically significant improvement in skin retraction of 53 percent relative to the traditional regular liposuction (17 percent per liter versus 11 percent per liter, p = 0.003). Moreover, the VASER-assisted liposuction group also resulted in a statistically significant reduction in blood loss of 26 percent relative to the traditional liposuction (p = 0.019 with n = 20 using a two-tailed t test).
• The VASER-liposuction method demonstrated improved skin retraction compared with traditional/conventional liposuction.
• The VASER-liposuction method demonstrated reduction in blood loss compared with traditional liposuction.
• No serious complications reported in a clinical study involving VASER liposuction in over 70,000 VASER liposuction procedures.
• No burn complications, contour irregularities or prolonged swelling seen in one clinical study.
• No revisions needed after a VASER liposuction found in a multi-center pilot study.
• Single procedure results with speedy recovery times
• Less bleeding & more skin retraction
• Improved body contouring over traditional liposuction
• Refines and accentuates appearance of muscles
• It's the RECOMMENDED type of liposuction for treatment of gynecomastia in men
Recovery after a 4-D VASER High Definition Liposuction
- May return to work 3-5 days after surgery
- May resume exercise or work out 1-2 weeks after surgery
Emmanuel De La Cruz M.D. PLLC
Houston Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon | Cosmetic Surgeon
Certified 4D VASER High Definition Liposculpture Surgeon
Call NOW at 832-520-1844
Clinic Locations: The Galleria in Houston, TX & The Woodlands, TX