Hydrogel Injections for Buttock Augmentation: Not Recommended
Recently, complications from the illegal use of hydrogel injections for buttock augmentation had been arising. Unfortunately, there are very few plastic surgeons who would remove these illegally injected products from the buttock.
There are several reasons we don't recommend hydrogel injections for buttock augmentation.
- The use of hydrogel injections for buttock augmentation is not FDA approved in the United States as of September 2015. For the amount of hydrogel injections needed for a proper buttock augmentation, the costs are prohibitive.
2)Complications associated with Hydrogel Injections are SEVERE.
- Complications may include skin hyperpigmentation of the injected area; skin necrosis; chronic infections; granulomas; loss of limb; nerve damage; contour irregularities; scarring; deformity of the area injected; organ failure and possibly death.
This patient had industrial-grade silicone injected into her buttocks. She had developed complications from this requiring a lifesaving amputation of her limbs. Article available in Essence.com
3)Typical injectors of hydrogel are NOT LICENSED.
- Since this is not FDA approved in the United States, your plastic surgeon is NOT LIKELY inject a material that could be harmful to your body. Be careful of fraudulent practitioners who are willing to inject hydrogel for buttock augmentation.
Emmanuel De La Cruz MD, PLLC